
Through executive and leadership coaching, team coaching, mentoring, workshops and consulting, I collaborate with senior management, emerging leaders, entrepreneurs, and cross-cultural leadership teams. I enable and empower them to develop the transformative skills, capacities, relationships and mindset they need to achieve their aspirations and desired outcomes.

Having extensive international experience in my field, and being dedicated to my work, I energise and inspire business leaders and professionals to make more of a difference in a way that is meaningful and satisfying for them. At the same time, I support the evolution and success of their organisations by transforming performance.

A UK-trained and accredited Master Executive Coach, Certified Systemic Team Coach and global citizen, I facilitate and foster collaboration, leadership maturity, personal development, entrepreneurship and sustainable growth, embracing our innate human capacities for learning and ingenuity, adaptability and resilience.


Judith Martin

Originally from Yorkshire in England, with dual UK-German nationality, self-employed, multi-lingual, and based in Munich, Germany

Has extensive cross-sector experience working with clients up to Board level, having worked and lived internationally for 34 years, in the UK, Germany, Spain, China and former Czechoslovakia

An accredited Master Executive Coach and member of APECS (Association of Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision); also accredited as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation

Holds an Advanced Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching (2014), a Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching (2008), and a Systemic Team Coaching Certificate (2015) from the Academy of Executive Coaching, UK

Holds a Master’s degree in Adult Learning, Professional Education and Language Teaching; trained Action Learning Facilitator

Committed to ongoing professional and personal development, coaching supervision, high professional standards and ethical practice

Draws on a broad, integrative, inter-disciplinary approach, together with psychological depth and insight

My purpose

Through my work, I aim to facilitate positive lasting change in service of the individual, the collective, the society and planet. By nurturing human potential and empowering agency, I enable professionals to generate new ideas, deliver practical solutions and get better results. At the same time, they gain deeper awareness and broader understanding, clarity, direction and drive.

What I do

I support and challenge business leaders and teams to translate new learning into purposeful action and tangible outcomes, while creating value for their stakeholders. With a different lens as an insider-outsider, I enable them to see more of their context from new perspectives, to better handle complexity and uncertainty, and to try out new ways of thinking, relating, acting and working.

How I work

My Structure & Flow approach combines clear contracting, processes, frameworks and commitment with flexibility, creativity, playful experimentation, joy and whatever’s emerging. It is collaborative and customised, systemic and relational, and practical too, addressing real challenges and opportunities. I provide calm, confidential spaces for fruitful dialogue, sense-making and co-inquiry.

Who I am

Openness, curiosity and diversity are important to me, which is why I’ve worked with a rich variety of enterprises and individuals from different backgrounds throughout my career. In Barcelona, I co-founded and ran a training and coaching company, later in Shanghai, for many years. Appreciating the beauty of nature and art, I enjoy spending time in the local Alps, walking and contemplating, or else in city art galleries and exhibitions.

My services

My services are adaptive, flexible and customised according to the needs, context and preferences of my clients. They are practical, too, being based on real challenges, aspirations and learning objectives. My programmes and workshops can be delivered in person, online or as a combination of both, depending on location. For some services, I team up with an associate in my international network.

Executive & Leadership Coaching

As a coach, I provide senior executives, new leaders, managers and professionals with a calm, confidential space for co-inquiry, sense-making, discovery and action-planning. I work with clients who are willing to question the status quo and their own assumptions, are open to learning and reflection, and are keen to make change happen. Read more

Systemic Team Coaching

Through systemic team coaching, I facilitate and support sustainable positive change and improved performance for international, diverse or cross-cultural teams, fostering effective collaboration, strong relationships, and collective learning and resilience . Read more

Development Workshops & Facilitation

In collaboration with my clients, I design, develop and deliver practical, engaging workshops with the aim to enable and inspire new ideas, solutions and perspectives, as well as build transformative skills, capacities and attitudes. In addition, I create thinking spaces for teams and groups and facilitate generative dialogue and exchange. Read more

Consulting Partnership for Organisational Development

As a thinking partner to senior management and human resource professionals, I offer consultancy support where there is a strong drive and commitment to improve business performance through leadership and talent development. Read more


If you have questions about my services and how I might support you, your team and organization, perhaps together with my international associates, please feel free to get in touch. I will be able to provide you with more information, any references you need or a chemistry check for a possible coaching programme.