Below are some suggestions of websites and books in case any readers would like more information, for example, about a professional body that I’m a member of, or alternatively, about a particular area of leadership and personal development and coaching.
If there’s something else you need or you’d like any further recommendations, please just drop me a line at and I’ll do my best to help.
Websites – International Coaching Federation – Association for Professional Executive Coaching & Supervision – A UK magazine for professional coaching – A UK charity and inspiration for purpose-led businesses – A global movement to foster transformational skills for sustainable development with the aim to achieve the UN’s 17 Sustainability Goals – Mindfulness exercises for every day
Brimm, Linda (2017) The Global Cosmopolitan Mindset: Lessons from the New Global Leaders
Edmondson, Amy C. (2019) The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation and Growth
Edmondson, Amy C. (2023) Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well
Evans, Roger H. (2019), 5DL: Uncovering the DNA of Leadership
Heffernan, Margaret (2020), Uncharted: How to Map the Future Together
Hicks, Donna (2011, 2021), Dignity: It’s Essential Role in Resolving Conflict
Kahneman, Daniel (2012), Thinking, Fast and Slow
Kegan, Robert & Laskow Lahey, Lisa (2016), An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization
Laloux, Frederic (2014), Reinventing Organisations
Lee, Graham (2022) Breakthrough Conversations for Coaches, Consultants and Leaders
Lencioni, Patrick (2002), The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Lewis, Richard D. (2012), When Teams Collide – Managing the International Team Successfully
Meadows, Donella H. (2008), Thinking in Systems
Meyer, Erin (2014), The Culture Map
Oshrey, Barry (2007), Seeing Systems
Radcliffe, Steve (2012), Leadership: Plain and Simple
Senge, Peter (1990), The Fifth Discipline
Watkins, Alan (2014), Coherence: The Secret Science of Brilliant Leadership
Wheatley, Margaret (2017), Who Do We Choose To Be? Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity